>U Mom Knows Best

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Kid-Friendly Salmon Pasta Salad

 Summer break is here and kids are bored. Now is the perfect time for parents to teach kids the joys of cooking. Check out a kid-friendly recipe that is perfect for a summer meal. 

 The kids are on summer break and all they seem to do is eat all day. You are tired of being a short-order cook. Now is the perfect time to teach your children how to make their own meals. Help your kids learn how to cook and let them help out with family meals. 

 This Kid-Friendly Salmon & Pea Pasta Salad is an easy recipe for kids to make. All it requires is a few simple ingredients like pasta, vegetables, and a couple cans of salmon. It is a one-bowl recipe that kids can make. Younger kids may need help but older kids can make this recipe without mom or dad.

 I got my inspiration for this recipe from the Safe Catch website. Safe Catch makes the best Wild Pacific Pink Salmon as well as Elite Wild Tuna. This fish is sustainably caught and is lower in mercury when compared to other fish.

  Kid-Friendly Salmon Pasta Salad

~ Is Delicious

~ Nutritious

~ A No-Bake Recipe

~ Perfect For Summer

~ Can be Made Gluten-Free

~ Loaded with Omegas

Ingredients Needed For Kid-Friendly Salmon & Pea Pasta Salad

~ Pasta - Any shape of regular or gluten-free pasta will do. I used a gluten-free Buckwheat Mezzi Rigatoni from Felicia. This organic naturally gluten-free pasta is brimming with flavor and loaded with fiber, magnesium, and manganese.

~ Salmon - I used boneless canned salmon from Safe Catch.

~ Mayo - Any mayo will work in this recipe

~ Cherry Tomatoes

Teaching Kids How To Make The Salmon Pasta Salad

 The first step to teaching kids how to cook is by having them help you in the kitchen. Teach them how to measure ingredients and mix things together. For older kids, show them how to safely use a knife to cut up ingredients, heat up food in a microwave, and cook pasta on the stove. 

 I like to make a big batch of pasta and keep it in the fridge, Then kids can heat it up in the microwave with their favorite topping. Pasta will keep fresh in the fridge for up to a week.

 If you don't want your child using the stove, premake the pasta for this recipe and store it in the fridge.  

Kid-Friendly Salmon Pasta Salad

Makes 4 servings


3 Cups Cooked Pasta, 

2 Cans Safe Catch Wild Pacific Pink Salmon

1/2 Cup Mayo 

1/2 Cup Cherry Tomatoes

Salt & Pepper to Taste

Fresh Dill ~ optional for garnish

Tools Needed

Large Mixing Dish

Measuring Spoons

Measuring Cups

Pairing Knife


1. Open the cans of salmon and pour them into a large mixing dish, no need to drain the liquid.

2. Add the cooked cold pasta to the salmon and toss.

3. Add the mayo salt and pepper to taste to your pasta mixture and combine evenly.

4. Slice the cherry tomatoes in half and stir into the pasta. If top with fresh dill.

5. Enjoy immediately or store in the fridge in an air-tight container for up to 3 three days.

Optional Add-In Ingredients

~ 1 Cup of Vegetables like peas, corn or broccoli

~ Top with Sunflower Seeds for a nice crunch

Check out some other kid-friendly recipes that are made with tuna and salmon

Hummus and Tuna Celery Bugs

Silly Tuna Faces

Tuna Pizza Bites

Tuna Mac n Cheese Bites

Tuna Taco Bites

Why I am Switching To Blueland Eco-Friendly Dishwasher Tablets

 Have you ever wondered what is in your dishwasher soap? Could the ingredients in your favorite dishwashing product be harming the environment? Could cleaning products be harming your health?

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 Ever since I was diagnosed with allergy-induced asthma three years ago, I have been switching out cleaning products in my home for ones that are better for the environment. Many of the cleaning products that I was using were huge triggers for my asthma and they could have been a huge factor in my asthma diagnosis. Even though I was officially diagnosed with asthma three years ago, I have been suffering from allergies, breathing issues, and eczema for a long time.

Three years ago I had a huge allergy-related asthma attack that left me struggling to breathe and I thought that I was going to die. I made a doctor's appointment the next day. It was at that doctor's appointment that my doctor said I needed to get my asthma under control or I would develop COPD. So I started allergy shots and vowed to remove things from my home that were triggering my asthma attacks.

 My list of items that were asthma triggers was long and included many foods, fragrances, dust, pets, smoke, and many plants. My allergy testing revealed that I was allergic to wheat, dairy, soy, mushrooms, dust, several pets, and many plants. I already knew that fragrance and smoke were huge asthma triggers. The doctor's visit helped me realize that I needed to make my home healthier. I needed to find safe natural product swaps for my cleaning products and my personal care products.

Most dishwasher cleaning products contain fragrance 

Most people don't realize that their dishwasher products contain ingredients that are not good for the environment and their health. I too never questioned the ingredients in my dishwasher tablet until I started my cleaning product swap. My thoughts were, the dishwasher soap is being rinsed off the dishes, so what does it matter. 

Typical dishwasher cleaning products contain toxic ingredients like

  ~ Chemical fragrances or perfume ~ Why do we need our dishes to smell fresh?

 ~ Artificial colors ~ Why does my soap need to be blue or red?

 ~ Toxic ingredients ~ that require a label that says - keep out of reach from children and call the poison control center if swallowed. 

 ~ Plastic ~ Yes most dishwasher products come wrapped in plastic.

These ingredients are harming our health and our water supply. So I made a decision to buy a safer dishwasher tablet that was better for my health and the environment. Simple changes can add up to big benefits.

Blueland Eco-Friendly Dishwasher Tablets Are Eco-Friendly

Three years ago, I stopped buying those dishwasher detergent drops that contain plastic and I started using dishwasher tablets, thinking that I made a better choice. The dishwasher tablets that I was buying did not contain fragrance at the time but recently, I started to notice that these tablets had a strong fragrance to them. So I stopped buying this brand of dishwasher tablet and searched for an unscented dishwasher tablet.

My search led me to Blueland, as I remembered that I had received a sample from this brand at a conference and it gave me good results. I was also already using their detergent tablets for my clothes. 

There were so many things that I liked about Blueland's Eco-Friendly Dishwasher Tablets. I liked that the dishwasher tablets from Blueland were 100% plastic-free and the ingredients were naturally derived. That meant that the ingredients were eco-friendly and good for the environment.

Blueland Summer Sale-Take 15% off any one-time purchase. This is the perfect time to stock up on all your favorite cleaning products ~ The sale ends July 21st ~ blueland.sjv.io/g1da3v

Blueland is not your average dishwasher detergent

  ~ Clean Ingredients: Made with plant-based and planet-friendly ingredients.

  ~ Free from dyes, fragrances, and harmful ingredients

  ~ Effective: Independently tested to perform on dishware, glassware, silver & porcelain.

  ~ Space Saving: Ditch the bulk with a compact Forever Tin that holds 60 tablets and takes up half the space of the equivalent plastic bottle.

  ~ Compostable Packaging: Refills of the tablets come in a package that can be tossed into the compost.

  ~ Cost Effective: When compared to other single-use dishwasher products, Blueland is about the same price.

 I loved that Blueland's dishwasher tablets did not contain any fragrances. I also loved that the tablets were not individually wrapped. I simply poured the dishwasher tablets into the included tin. The tin looked good on my sink and it was so easy to grab a tablet to place in my dishwasher soap compartment.

Reduce, Reuse, and Refill

These tablets do a great job of cleaning my dishes. I am glad that I made the switch to these dishwasher tablets as it is one less item in my home that contains fragrance. My switch to these tablets came with an extra bonus for me as I am contributing less plastic to my recycle bin. When I need more dishwashing products from Blueland, I will just order their refill package of 60 dishwasher tablets. The dishwasher tabs come in a compostable package and I can toss that into my compost pile.

Blueland Summer Sale-Take 15% off any one-time purchase. This is the perfect time to stock up on all your favorite cleaning products ~ The sale ends July 21st ~ blueland.sjv.io/g1da3v

GuruNanda Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Vs Fluoride Toothpaste

 Fluoridated toothpaste has long been considered the gold standard in oral health care but new research has many avoiding toothpaste with fluoride. Check out a toothpaste that has similar benefits but is made with natural ingredients.

 So many of us have grown up using toothpaste made with fluoride. It was the toothpaste that most dentists recommended for healthy teeth. We were told that fluoride toothpaste would prevent cavities. People loved fluoride so much that it was also added to drinking water. This mineral for decades was promoted as a proven method of preventing tooth decay. 

Many years later, after dealing with so many cavities, I ask myself, how did fluoride toothpaste help me? Was it the lack of education about brushing my teeth properly? Could my poor dental health be the effects of a processed food diet on the teeth or was it the fact that I never went to the dentist as a kid? 

I was the kid who ate plenty of sweets that were loaded with sugar. I had a rough childhood and I don't remember much about my dental routine. My mom was dealing with plenty and did not have the time to make sure that I was brushing my teeth. I also never went to the dentist. 

What I do remember as a kid, was learning in school about how to brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste. I remember the dentists who came to the classroom gave us a toothbrush along with samples of fluoridated toothpaste. I also remember all the toothpaste commercials. 

 Since I had plenty of cavities as an adult, I made sure that my kids brushed their teeth. I also made regular appointments to the dentist. My kids also had a better diet than I did as a kid. I made sure to teach my kids about the importance of good dental hygiene. 

 Many years later, my family stopped using fluoride toothpaste after I discovered that my youngest son had a toothpaste allergy.  My son was allergic to several ingredients in regular toothpaste. It was the ingredients in the toothpaste, like SLS, glycerin, and fluoride, that gave my son mouth sores.  

 Around the same time that I discovered my son's toothpaste allergy, I also learned about the disadvantages of fluoride toothpaste +, so I stopped buying fluoride toothpaste for the rest of the family and instead purchased toothpaste made with natural ingredients. Back then, there were not many options for natural toothpaste.

GuruNanda Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Vs Fluoride Toothpaste

 Nine years later, as dental care progresses, there are so many more choices for fluoride-free toothpaste and GuruNanda hydroxyapatite toothpaste has many benefits for dental health. It is a fluoride-free toothpaste that not only cleans the teeth but also aids in remineralization.

+ Disadvantages of Flouride Toothpaste

 - Overexposure to fluoride in toothpaste can lead to dental fluorosis, which causes white spots and discoloration on the teeth.

- Some individuals may have allergies or sensitivities to fluoride and may experience adverse reactions.

What Is Hydroxyapatite?

 Hydroxyapatite is a naturally occurring form of calcium. The primary function of hydroxyapatite in toothpaste is to help remineralize your tooth enamel. This helps protect your teeth against dental decay. 

Benefits of Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste

 Hydroxyapatite toothpaste is safe and poses no risk of dental fluorosis from overexposure. GuruNanda hydroxyapatite toothpaste is great for those with sensitive teeth. This natural toothpaste effectively cleans your teeth and aids in demineralization. It also freshens your breath. Some studies have shown that hydroxyapatite toothpaste can be just as effective as fluoride toothpaste in remineralizing teeth and preventing cavities

GuruNanda hydroxyapatite toothpaste contains extracts of neem, jasmine, clove, cardamom, oregano, & spearmint oils, with Vitamins D3, E & K2. This toothpaste is non-GMO, free from harsh chemicals like SLS and Fluoride, and is highly recommended by dentists for sensitive teeth & gums.

GuruNanda Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste is a healthy addition to my dental routine

 Dental health is important for overall health and now that I know the advantages of Hydroxyapatite in toothpaste, I have added GuruNanda Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste to my dental health routine. I like that this toothpaste cleans my teeth with a nice minty taste. I also like that my teeth are getting remineralizing benefits. I am excited that this toothpaste will prevent future cavities in my mouth.

Of course, the most important part of dental health is brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing, and eating a healthy diet. I also use a water flosser as I love how it gets the food particles off your teeth. 

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Mom knows best